
Showing posts from August, 2014


I'm always a bit sad when my birthday rolls around as I get older.  Well, my birthday and New Years Eve. It has to do with being in limbo these last, shoot... 7 years, or maybe I could just say my entire adult life.  And it has to do with what one of my professor's called the "Ideal Life Trajectory."  You know what that is, right? It's essentially life taking place in this order:  Birth, Elementary, Junior High, High school, followed by College, marriage/career, children, being promoted further in your career, retirement/grandchildren, die old. Irritating, right?  And I know that more people probably do NOT follow that life trajectory than do, I get that.  I mean, they may add a divorce in there, or not go to college, or have a child during their high school years.  I get that the majority of people do not follow that trajectory.  I can even say that generally speaking, I do not regret not continuing college right out of high school.  I had no idea what I wanted t