Spoiler for Warm Bodies

Okay, so one of my favorite movies that came out in 2013 is Warm Bodies, which stars some fairly unknown actors in it.  John  Malkovich has a small part in it, but the lead guy on it was in another one of my favorite movies called "About a Boy" back when he was a preteen.  His name is Nicholas Holt seen in this picture in a red hoodie.

The first time I saw this was actually on the way home from Emerald Isle last year.  I rented it to watch on my NookHD, and ended up watching it twice before it magically disappeared.  Let me just say, I am not one who is usually into zombie pictures.  I mean, of course I've seen "Shaun of the Dead" (who hasn't? and if you haven't, you should).  I haven't seen World War Z.  I haven't watched The Walking Dead on AMC, though I've been told I NEED to see that.  I'm not even really into "scary" movies.  But this isn't scary.

The best thing in this movie is the narrative by the lead character "R".  There's a lot of wit and irony in it.  I don't want to give too much away, but the thing I love about this is that Love is actually what ends up curing the world of Zombies.  I'm over simplifying, but I just love the idea of that.  And they do a beautiful job of showing the transformation love can make on these unfeeling grey people.  It's such a great metaphor.  I feel like sometimes if we can show love to people who haven't experienced, it can change the way they act.  At least, that's what I'd like to think.  I know some people are too far gone, and they address that in this movie too.

The book "Warm Bodies" is a little bit different than the movie. As most books are. The narrative isn't as easy to see as funny.  The picture above is taken from the beginning of the movie, when R is walking around the airport aimlessly and the actor's voice is narrating.  He talks about how he wonders if before all this happened if people were more connected, and they flash to a scene of "before" and everyone is walking around with their face buried in their smart phone.  Very cleverly done.


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